An ode to the Dobratsch
© Villach
Now I write a blog about the mountain, which I see every day from my house. In the morning when getting up and in the evening on the terrace at the well-deserved beer. A mountain that has become familiar to me. A mountain that can be seen from the Julian Alps as well as from the Nock Mountains, the Carnic Alps, Karawanken and the Hohe Tauern. A mountain that accompanies me, as many people in the region. A lighthouse that shows you the way and is for me the sign that I am back home when I see him.

Intoxicating views from the Dobratsch to the wild Julian Alps © Villach
The Dobratsch – also called Villacher Alpe – simply has a great importance for Carinthia. Not only because of the gigantic landslide of the year 1348, which created the unique ecosystem of the “Schütt” and today is a valuable part of the Dobratsch Nature Park. The Dobratsch is just there, with all its mass. No, he is not elegant – the Dobratsch captivates rather by presence. You see him from everywhere, which in turn means that you can see everywhere from the Dobratsch. Well, almost everywhere – at least the mountains of the Karavanke, the Julian and Carnic Alps, the Gailtal Alps and Nockberge, the eastern Hohe Tauern and even the Steiner Alps are lined up like a string of pearls in front of you. In between are Ossiacher See, Wörthersse and Faaker See – and the village where I live. I say: there is by far no better view.

Wonderful experience: Sunset on the Dobratsch © Villach
The people used to make a living from digging into the Dobratsch – at the peak of mining, the city of Bad Bleiberg at the foot of the Dobratsch was larger than Villach. These times are long gone. What remains are the mystical stories surrounding him.
The Dobratsch is by no means a difficult mountain – it is a regular hiking summit. But a summit where you can spend the night, namely in the summit house Dobratsch only three minutes walk below the highest point. Thus, you can experience the fantastic view not only during the day, but also at sunset and sunrise.

© Villach
And what do we do at For demanding and persevering hikers, we combine the Dobratsch Rundwanderweg with a summit crossing of the Dobratsch including overnight stay in the summit house for a four-day trail trip. The best of both worlds, but also a stage more demanding than the “regular” Dobratsch circular route.
Did I wake your interest? Then perhaps the mountain will acquire for you the meaning that it already has for me.
More information you findhere.
Born in Bavaria, he is a qualified environmental science expert and state-certified mountain and ski guide. He combines competence and passion for his great love, the mountains, in an ideal way. Approved mountain book author and first-time climber of bold routes in rock and ice.

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