Gesäuse hut tour – classic hut hike
Wild water – steep rock: The Gesäuse Hüttenrunde opens up the Gesäuse National Park on magnificent paths ©TVB Gesäuse/Raimund Reiter
So the times of sunrise and sunset, when the sun bathes nature in golden or blue light. Times of calm and amazement when the mountain world comes to life or when you go to rest after a day’s work. Times when you can really relax yourself. Unfortunately, you are usually in a hotel in the valley during these times – also beautiful, but you miss out on so much beauty. So why not just turn the whole thing around and spend a week on the mountain on a hut hike in the Alps? Hike from hut to hut to fully enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the sunsets and sunrises?

Starry sky above the Ennstaler Hütte © Stefan Leitner/TV Gesäuse
You have the opportunity to do just that on the Gesäuse Hüttenrunde. You hike across the Gesäuse National Park in 7 days and always stay in huts. On huts that are so spectacular and with a view that you can let your gaze wander in peace and quiet into the distance or near. Both will captivate you because the Gesäuse National Park is spectacular, rugged and wild. So wild that it is hard to imagine that you can spend a week traveling from hut to hut on moderate trails in the Gesäuse National Park. But you can! An ingenious routing makes it possible for you to only walk on red – i.e. moderate – hiking trails, so you can enjoy this hut hike in the Alps without any negative adrenaline rushes. In order to achieve this, we have adapted the original route a little and set up a shuttle service for a short section. Starting and ending in Admont, this route guides you through all subgroups of the Gesäuse, i.e. through the Reichenstein Group, Hochtor Group, Buchstein Group and the Haller Walls.

Classic Reloaded Multi-day hikes from hut to hut are a very classic form of hiking in the Alps. The simplicity of the huts has always been part of the overall experience. Simply leave the stress in the valley and enjoy the here and now in connection with nature. All you need is a cool drink, good food, lots of nature and a cozy dining room. The huts on the Gesäuse Hüttenrunde are made for just that. They are shelters with hut flair, but have all been upgraded to modern hut standards in recent years. And you will still be amazed when you experience all the regional delicacies the hut keepers in the Gesäuse can conjure up on the table – you really eat like a king. And that in truly royal places.

Nevertheless, you don’t have to do without comfort on your Gesäuse hut tour. Namely on comfort and safety when organizing your trail trip. Because the Gesäuse hut tour can now be booked online at – with the entire tried-and-tested service package and the many options for planning this hut hike individually. The online travel planner from makes it possible. From the environmentally friendly train journey to the helpful trail hotline in the specially set up trail information and booking center – the hut bookings are only part of the service! And that at your desired date and from one person. Even if you only have time or desire for a three or four-day hut tour and only want to experience part of the Gesäuse hut tour.

The only thing we cannot offer on this trail is a luggage service. With the best will in the world, the huts cannot be reached by car – but precisely the distance from civilization is part of the irresistible flair that the Gesäuse Hüttenrunde has. And the charm of the simple or the restriction to the essentials can also be a wonderful thing when packing a backpack.
As an environmental systems scientist and state-certified mountain and ski guide, the native Bavarian ideally combines competence and passion for his great love, the mountains. Recognized mountain book author and first climber of daring routes in rock and ice.

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